Yoko in the press


Ciso Magazine

Scans of an article published in Ciso Magazine nο2 from 1973.
Summary of Roger Leloup's career and critique of the Trio de l'Etrange shortly before the publication of the story in album format.
(The cover of the magasine was drawn by Roger Leloup)

Article's text (in Dutch)

Soir Illustré

Thanks to Serge Noël I got theses scans of an article that appeared in Le Soir Illustré in 1977.

Le "nègre" et la petite japonaise interview by Robert Rouyet

Couverture Artikel

Article's text (in french)

Liège Loisirs

Thanks to Franco I got these scans of an article that appeared in Liège Loisirs in 1984. As you can see there was a contest to win a 1 meter sized Yoko. Curious if anyone can find one of these.



Stripgids nο22, Antwerp, 2011

Article published in Stripgids nο22, Antwerp in 2011.

Article's text (in Dutch)


DeMorgen Magazine 29/01/2011 (Article's text in Dutch)

Artikel Artikel Artikel Artikel

Artikel Artikel Artikel Artikel

PDF copy

Article's text in Dutch

Article's text in Dutch (compacted)


Le Soir 05/10/2012 (Article's text in French)

Article Le Soir du 5/10/2012 Affiche Le Soir

Article's text in French

Le Soir's Mini Yoko site


L'Écho 22/06/2015 (Article's text in French)

Link to the article


Blog BD, Le Monde 30/06/2015 (Article's text in French)

Link to the article


Yoko mobilizes against breast cancer September 2015 (Article's text in French)

Link to the article