This is a unique page. Nowhere else on the net can you find this. This page was added to prove how truthful Roger Leloup can draw. I'm hoping to expand this page as soon as possible. So if someone has pictures of for example Bruges or other places where the adventures of Yoko take place, please let me know:

Thanks to Rober Lapalme (Indiana Bob), especially for the pictures concerning album nr. 2 and 14. Also thanks to Luc Verhelst for the many pictures of Rothenbrug (nr. 2). And thanks to Daniel Coppens (a big strip fan),Monika Salkauskas, Flemming Sörensen,Theo Jakiemow, Frédédric Mayer, Christine Frossard and Sjoerd Heijmann. In case I would like to thank everybody for all their help!

Organ On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 2 The infernal organ.
Signs On this page you will find unique drawings and real pictures in album n. 5, Signals for eternity
Rothenburg On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 7 The Frontier of Life.
Borneo On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 11, The Timespiral
Lightning On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 14 The lightning of Whodan.
Reingold On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 19, The Reingold-Expres
Bruges On this page you can find some unique pictures from album nr. 20 The astrologor of Bruges.
Celeste On this page You can find some unique pictures from album nr. 22, La jonque celeste